Privacy Policy

Effective date: May 5, 2021
We at Altius Business Solutions, ("Altius Business Solutions," "we," "us," "our") know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. By accessing or using the Services (including without limitation the mobile version of the Altius Business website (the "Mobile Site") and the Altius Business Solutions mobile application(s) available via the Apple App Store and the Android Marketplace (collectively, the "Mobile Application")), you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy. Remember that your use of Altius Business Solutions's Services is at all times subject to the Terms of Service, which incorporates this Privacy Policy. Any terms we use here without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Terms of Service. Please read on to learn more about how we collect and use your information; if you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please send us a detailed message to , or write us at Flat number 610, Gemini Apartments CHS, Divya Park Kharodi, Malad west, Mumbai – 400095.

This Privacy Policy explains how Altius Business Solutions collects and uses information from its Services users, including our treatment of personally identifiable information. This policy does not apply to websites or practices of companies that Altius Business Solutions does not own or control, or to individuals that Altius Business Solutions does not employ or manage, including providers of Publisher Software.

This Privacy Policy explains how Altius Business Solutions collects and uses information from its Services users, including our treatment of personally identifiable information. This policy does not apply to websites or practices of companies that Altius Business Solutions does not own or control, or to individuals that Altius Business Solutions does not employ or manage, including providers of Publisher Software.
If you are not of legal age to form a binding contract (in many jurisdictions, this age is 18), you may only use the Services and disclose information to us with your parent's or guardian's express consent. Review this Privacy Policy with your parent or guardian and make sure you understand it, and do the same with the privacy policies of all websites you visit or mobile applications you use.
We only collect personal information through the Services from a child under 13 where that student's school, district, and/or teacher has agreed (via the terms described in more detail in the Terms of Service) to obtain parental consent for that child to use the Services and disclose personal information to us, for the use and benefit of the learning environment. If you are a student under 13, please do not send any personal information about yourself to us if your school, district, and/or teacher has not obtained this prior consent from your parent or guardian, and please do not send any personal information other than what we request from you in connection with the Services. If we learn we have collected personal information from a student under 13 without parental consent being obtained by his or her school, district, and/or teacher, or if we learn a student under 13 has provided us personal information beyond what we request from him or her, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a student under 13 may have provided us personal information in violation of this paragraph, please contact us at
When we use the term "Personal Information" in this Privacy Policy, we are referring to personally identifiable information of individual, non-student registrants of the Services. References to "Children's Personal Information" only apply to personally identifiable information of users who have registered for the Services as minor students (i.e., students under the age of 18). General references to "information" apply to all users.
If you are a student registrant and your parent or guardian has signed up for the Services with an Access Code provided by your teacher, you understand that your parent or guardian can view all information within or associated with your Services account, including, without limitation, messages between you and your teacher and grades you received on assignments.

We receive and store any information you knowingly enter on the Services, whether via computer, mobile phone, other wireless devices, or that you provide to us in any other way. This information may include, without limitation, Personal Information such as your name, username, email address, phone number, profile picture and location, billing and payment information (as it relates to Credit and the Altius Business Solutions Store), and any other information necessary for us to provide our Services..
We receive and store certain types of usage information whenever you interact with the Services; this information is not Personal Information or Children's Personal Information. For example, Altius Business Solutions automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser including your IP address, Altius Business Solutions cookie information, and the page you requested. We also record the details of your activity on the Services and the number and frequency of visitors to our site and its components.
When you download our Mobile Application, we automatically collect information on the type of device, name and version of the operating system, name and version of the application, whether the currently logged in user is a teacher, student, or other user types, the numerical mobile device user ID, as well as actions performed by the user in accessing the Mobile Application ("Mobile Usage Information," which is considered part of "usage information" as described above). However, we do not ask you for, access or track any geographic-location-based information from your mobile device (i.e., any information regarding where your mobile device is located on the globe at a particular time) at any time while downloading or using our Mobile Applications. For clarity, this does not prevent us from asking you what school you are affiliated with.
Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer or mobile device to enable our systems to recognize your computer or device and tell us how and when pages in our site are visited and by how many people. Altius Business Solutions cookies do not collect Personal Information or Children's Personal Information, and we do not combine the general information collected through cookies with other Personal Information or Children's Personal Information to tell us who you are or what your username or email address is. Most browsers have an option for turning off the cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allowing you to decide on acceptance of each new cookie in a variety of ways. We strongly recommend that you leave the cookies activated, however, because you may not be able to log in or use many of the Services' most attractive features without cookies enabled. Our partners, affiliates, and service providers may also transmit cookies to your computer or device, to help provide you with an optimal online experience. For example, if you are playing a learning game offered by a Publisher, that Publisher may transmit cookies to you, allowing you to save your game history. The use of cookies by third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy and we do not have access or control over such cookies.
The Services may also contain electronic images known as web beacons (sometimes called single-pixel gifs) and are used along with cookies to compile aggregated statistics to analyze how the Services are used.
What does Altius Business Solutions use my information for?
When you use the Services, you may set up your personal profile, form relationships, send messages, perform searches and queries, and transmit information through various channels, depending on the category of user ("User Category") you are registered as, and as permitted by the functionality of the Services. The information we gather from users enables us to personalize and improve our services, and allows users to set up a user account and profile through the Services.
The Personal Information you provide is used for such purposes as responding to your requests for certain information and services, customizing your experience, and communicating with you about the Services.
If you provide us your email address, we may send you email communications. Web beacons may also be used in some of our emails to let us know which emails (and which links within those emails) have been opened by recipients. This allows us to gauge the effectiveness of our customer communications. If you are a student, we will only use your email address to send you Notifications. To opt out of receiving emails from us, please contact us at Please note that if you do not want to receive legal notices from us via email, such as this Privacy Policy, those legal notices will still govern your use of the Services, and you are responsible for visiting this Privacy Policy from time to time to review any changes.
Altius Business Solutions uses this type of aggregate data to enable us to figure out how often users use parts of the Services, so that we can make the Services appealing and relevant to as many users as possible, and customize and improve those Services. As part of our use of information, we may provide aggregate information to our partners (in a non-personally-identifiable format) about how our users use our site. We share this type of statistical data so that our partners also understand how often people use our partners' services and the Services to help provide you with an optimal online experience. We may link usage information to Personal Information and Children's Personal Information that we collect through the Services, but we will only use this linked information internally (for example, to customize your experience), and will not disclose it in linked format to third parties. Additionally, certain usage-related information may be viewable in your user profile that may be displayed to other users, depending on your User Category; for example, a "badge" may displayed in your profile indicating that you have added content to your user "library," or that you have logged into the Services more than a certain number of times.

Personal Information and Children's Personal Information about our users is an integral part of our business. We neither rent nor sell your Personal Information or Children's Personal Information; we may share your Personal Information and Children's Personal Information in personally identifiable form only as described below. Again, please note that references to "Personal Information" only apply to personal information of individuals who are not students.
In certain situations, businesses or third party websites we're affiliated with may offer or sell items or provide services to you through the Services (either alone or jointly with us), including Publisher Software. We may, for example, work jointly with other businesses to offer or sell products or provide services, or we may work with third party websites to enhance your online experience. These transactions or services may or may not be commercial in nature. You can recognize when such a business is associated with such a transaction or service. We will share your Personal Information or Children's Personal Information with that business only to the extent that it is related to such transaction or service; for example, we may share your school affiliation and location with a Publisher of Publisher Software that you have redeemed Credit for, to allow such Publisher to determine its tax liability in connection with such transaction. Such services may include the ability for you to automatically transmit information you input on the Services to your profile or account on a third party website, or to automatically transmit information you input on a third party website to your Services profile. We have no control over the policies and practices of third party websites (or providers of Publisher Software) as to privacy or anything else, so please review all third party websites' policies before disclosing any Personal Information or Children's Personal Information or other content on the Services or on any third party website (via the automatic transmissions discussed above or otherwise). Altius Business Solutions does prohibit Publishers from collecting or using any information beyond what Altius Business Solutions itself collects and uses pursuant to its Privacy Policy, but this does not mean we are responsible for reviewing or verifying the accuracy of any Publisher's data collection or use policies.

ou are able to update or delete certain information, as described in the "What information can I access?" section above. You may request deletion of your Altius Business Solutions account by following the directions here. Please note that some unrevised information may remain in our records after revision of such information or deletion of your account, or in cached and archived pages. Some information may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent that it was copied or stored by other users. We may use any aggregated data derived from or incorporating your Personal Information after you delete your information, but not in a manner that would identify you personally.
We will retain your Personal Information or Children's Personal Information for as long as your account is active or as long as needed to provide you the Services; we also may retain and use your information as we deem it necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and to enforce our agreements.
We at Altius Business Solutions, ("Altius Business Solutions," "we," "us," "our") know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. By accessing or using the Services (including without limitation the mobile version of the Altius Business website (the "Mobile Site") and the Altius Business Solutions mobile application(s) available via the Apple App Store and the Android Marketplace (collectively, the "Mobile Application")), you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy. Remember that your use of Altius Business Solutions's Services is at all times subject to the Terms of Service, which incorporates this Privacy Policy. Any terms we use here without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Terms of Service. Please read on to learn more about how we collect and use your information; if you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please send us a detailed message to, write us at 1200 Park Place, Suite 400, San Mateo, CA 94403, or call us at +1(650) 513-2735.

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time for any reason. Use of information we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected. If we make changes in the way we use Personal Information or Children's Personal Information, we will notify you via email or by posting an announcement on the Services with two (2) weeks prior notice before the change becomes effective. Users are bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when he or she uses the Services upon the conclusion of such two (2) week notice period. This notice period only applies to changes to the Privacy Policy; you understand that it may not be possible in certain situations to provide advance notice of other changes to the Terms of Service (for example, where a change to the Terms is necessary to comply with legal requirements).

When you use the Services, you are consenting to have your data transferred to and processed in the United States. All of Altius Business Solutions’ servers are currently in India, and we aren't able to process your information within the borders of any other country. Given this limitation, if your use of the Services or disclosure of certain information to Altius Business Solutions would violate any law that is applicable to you, your right to use the Services and/or disclose such information is revoked, as it is wherever use of the Services is prohibited by law (as described in the Terms of Service).
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